Aworth News

Why use a TSA member?
January 17, 2022
Here at Aworth Survey Consultants, we are a long-standing member of The Survey Association (TSA), the trade body for commercial survey companies in the UK and we are proud that our Managing Director, John Witherden, is a previous Vice President.
Formed in 1979, TSA’s role is to promote best practice amongst its members and provide a forum for members for discussion, debate and continuing professional development. It also provides guidance to a wider audience, such as engineers and architects, on new methods and techniques, as well as lobbying Government and liasing closely with other associations, including RICS and CICES.
TSA expects every member to meet its very high standards and maintain this throughout membership to give clients’ confidence in the survey product or advice they purchase. Before a member is admitted, they are visited and scrutinised by TSA’s Secretary General to ensure their premises, people, systems, procedures, health and safety and quality is up to the required standard.
Find out more here about the merits of using a member of TSA, such as ourselves: