Aworth News

Christmas Shopping
November 25, 2021
The festive season is upon us and each year, many of us head up to London with our Christmas shopping list, while also enjoying the atmosphere and festive lights of our capital.
Here at Aworth Survey Consultants, we have been asked to provide our services to many leading retailers and shopping destinations throughout London and the South East, including Oxford Street, perhaps the most famous street for shopping in the West End.
Our variety of services include land surveys, underground services surveys, lettable area calculations surveys, BIM and measured building surveys, consisting of floor plans, roof plans, elevations and sections, plus highly detailed fenestration drawings when requested.
Our retail experience is wide and varied. We have worked with shopping malls, such as County Mall in Crawley, Castle Quarter in Norwich and Bluewater in Kent.
We are also very proud to have supported our client Foster & Partners during the refurbishment of the iconic Asprey store in London. We were asked to produce a 1:50 scale full measured building survey consisting of floor plans, roof plans, elevations and sections, plus highly detailed 1:10 scale drawings.
Further premier shopping destinations we’ve worked on include many of the renowned shopping centres and boutique markets including Covent Garden [client: Capital & Counties Properties] and Old Spitalfields Market [client: Foster & Partners] providing comprehensive topographical and measured surveys.
So, whatever your budget, favourite retail brand or shopping destination in London and the South East this Christmas shopping season, an Aworth survey is probably nearby! Industry leaders in land surveys, engineering surveys, BIM and measured building surveys.